Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ranking Corporation Speakers

I knew that being part of the GCB meant that I was going to have to rank each speaker but from the beginning I knew it was going to be something I dreaded. I hate judging people on speeches because I may feel as though they did worse than what they thought they did and I do not want to ruin someones day or make them feel defeated like I did when I received last place on my speech. As the first speakers from the corporations, the Corporate Managers, began to speak I had no idea how I was going to rank them. As I ranked them I wanted to ask Sarah and Caitlin the other GCB members what they were going to rank them but I decided it wasn't fair to do that. I had to follow my own instincts as to who I thought should be ranked first and who should be lost. I also learned that I can't always worry about upsetting people this is a class and it is my job to rank the speakers in the corporations. They may not always agree with the decisions I make but I have to stick to them. I never thought I would learn this much about myself from just ranking speeches in a class. I have always had a hard time following my own instincts and worrying too much about hurting other peoples feelings. It is also hard ranking people in the class because I have so many friends and people in the class I know in the class. I don't want my friends to be mad at me outside of class because I ranked them lower than they thought they deserved. There has not been nearly as much drama with the ranking process and my friends as I thought there would be. We are all around 22 years old and realize that what happens in class should not be taken outside of class. Overall, I have realized that I enjoy ranking the speakers because it challenges me to decide who deserves first and who deserves last.

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